NISO Breakdown

What is a NISO?

NISO stands for NFT Initial Stake Offering, it is a form of ISO which utilizes the Platypus Cyberpunks NFTs as a means of access to our stake pool and multiplier perks. This means that the staking during the first phase of the NISO is for holders of the NFTs. Public staking to the WMSY server will not receive rewards until after the first phase of the NISO is complete. There is no cost to purchase $Venom (VNM) tokens as the NISO, in conjunction with the airdrop allocation, is designed to issue the tokens out for free. Only cost associated with the NISO will be a Cardano network costs as you the user of the staking dashboard pay for the transaction costs at claim.

How long is the NISO?

The NISO follows the Cardano epochs directly and will run for 36 epochs or 360 days. You will see your tokens accumulating in your account, but won't be able to claim until the first phase of the NISO is complete (180 days). NISO will run for a total of 12 WMSY epochs (360 days).

1 WMSY epoch equals 30 days.

Is the NISO public?

The NISO will not be public and requires Platypus Cyberpunks NFTs to participate and qualify for staking rewards for the first 180 days or 6 WMSY epochs. The NFT acts as your membership pass.

After the initial 180 days the NISO is opened to the public and only requires a minimum holding of ADA to participate.

Good to know: For the NISO you must hold at least 50 ADA per Platypus Cyberpunk NFT while staking to WMSY to qualify for $Venom reward perks.

Wallet: 2 NFTs = 100 ADA for staking

Reward Schedule

The $Venom rewards schedule will be calculated at the end of every WMSY epoch (30 days). There will be a total of 12 WMSY (360 days) epochs as potential epochs to claim rewards.

NISO Details

  • Airdrop Allocation: 7,499,250 $VNM (1350 per NFT)

  • Total NISO Allocation: 15,000,000 $VNM

  • Multipliers: These additional buffs to your staking rewards are associated to the project's NFTs. Yes, they are stackable and you can learn about perks here & here.

  • Addition Requirement: NISO participants must hold at least 50 ADA per Platypus Cyberpunk NFT while staking to WMSY to qualify for $Venom rewards perks. Regular non-NFT holders who delegate in the second phase will still be able to get $venom rewards, but it will be based on the chance that there is an uneven distribution. This cannot be guaranteed.

  • When to Claim: All NISO rewards are claimable at the end of the first phase. Then the next phase requires another locking period of 12 WMSY epochs or 180 days.

  • What's my score?:Everyone delegated to the WMSY pool will generate a score every epoch and be allocated a portion of the $Venom rewards relative to this score

  • Phase 2: You are not required to stake Platy(s) in order to earn VENOM, staking ADA is enough. The more ADA you stake, the greater your score

  • There needs to be at least 50 ADA staked per Platypus Cyberpunks NFT being staked. At epoch end, if this requirement is not met, any platypus lacking the correct balance will not be considered staked and forfeit that epoch's rewards

    • Eg. Your wallet balance is 150 ADA + 5 platypuses staked, only 3 platypuses will be able to stake

Pro-Tip: The sooner you stake the more tokens you can accumulate without other holders in the stake pool being added to the distribution calculation.