Paddle Gang Authorization Card

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Paddle Gang Authorization Card

  • Total Supply: 100

  • Support: CIP-68

  • Distribution: Those with synced wallets that have the "Paddle Gang" role will receive these NFTs as free claimable mint

  • Purpose: This is a way to transition the ownership of this role from discord and onto the Cardano blockchain. (perk details here)

  • Policy ID: 98c200ecb557f9617a309f344404d79462cc725084ca4e7634cb34e0


  • Project Alpha

  • Paddle Gang Voting Privileges

  • +1 Special Trait Bonus

  • 1.2x VNM Staking Reward Multiplier for WMSY Pool (Linear 1.2x, 1.4x, 1.6...)

Last updated